1) Tornado intensity is measured by
a) Saffir-Simpson scale
c) Richter scale
d) Fujita-Pearson scale
Ans: a
2) Small insects can walk on water because
a) Internal friction of water is high
b) the density of water is less than the density of the insect
c) their weight is not enough to penetrate into the surface
d) None of the above
Ans: c
3) Fathometer is a device used to measure____.
a) Depth of water
b) Soil water tension
c) Tides in the water
d) The relative density of liquids
Ans: a
4) Who proposed the theory of atomic energy for the first time in the beginning of the nineteenth century?
a) John Dalton
b) Copernicus
c) Alfred Nobel
d) Huygens
Ans: a
5) Which among the following has large quantities of ice?
a) Comets
b) galaxies
c) Stars
d) Blackholes
Ans: a
6) Powerloom invention is associated with:
a) Devi
b) Johnson Harrison
c) Carl Right
d) Walter Hunt
Ans: c
7) The study of insects is called?
a) Entomology
b) Anthropology
c) Ornithology
d) Zoology
Ans: a
8) Trachoma is a disease of the :
a) Liver
b) Eyes
c) Lungs
d) Kidneys
Ans: b
9) The vitamin which is liable to be destroyed during cooking is
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B6
c) Vitamin C
d) Vitamin K
Ans: c
10) The science dealing with the study of soil is called
a) Pedology
b) Pedagogy
c) Ecology
d) Pomology
Ans: a
11) The arrangement of leaves on an axis or stem is called
a) Phyllotaxy
b) vernation
c) venation
d) phyllotaxy
Ans: a
12) An ant can see the objects all around due to the presence of?
a) Simple eyes
b) Eyes overhead
c) well Developed eyes
d) Compound eyes
Ans: d
13) Who has developed the technology of the ground nuclear explosion?
a) Dr.Homibaba
b) Dr.Vikram Sarabhai
c) Dr.Raja Ramanna
d) Dr.P.K.Ayyingar
Ans: a
14) Penicillin is extracted from?
a) Yeast
b) Algae
c) Fungus
d) Lichen
15) Which enzyme is present in all parts of the pineapple plant?
a) Parvulin
b) Benzyl Methanol
c) Bromelain
d) Photoisomerase