Computer knowledge is one of the important parts of the competitive exam. Do practice the below questions and improve your skills it will help to get more scores in the exam.
1) Operating system functions may include
A) multiprogramming
B) input/output control
C) virtual storage
D) All the above
Ans D
2) When data in a spreadsheet program is changed what occurs?
A) All calculations are recalculated
B) Once entered, the data cannot be changed
C) Nothing
D) None of the above
3) A word processor would most likely be used to do
A) do a computer search in the media center
B) type a biography
C) keep an account of money spent
D) maintain an inventory
Ans B
4) Second generation computers were developed during
A) 1956 - 1963
B) 1970 - 1975
C) 1975 - 1980
D) 1990 - 2000
Ans: A
5) Size of the primary memory of a pc ranges between
A) 256 kb to 640 kb
B) 64 kb to 256 kb
C) 256 kb to 512 kb
D) 2 kb to 8 kb
Ans: A
6) ___ is a specialized server that enables the client to share applications and data across the network.
A) Mass Server
B) File server
C) Data Server
D) Host Server
Ans B
7) Whose trademark is the operating system Unix?
A) Ashton Tate
B) Microsoft
D) BELL Laboratories
Ans: D
8) Programs stored in ROM are called
A) Firmware
B) Software
C) Hardware
D) None of above
Ans A
9) What is an error in a program called
A) Power fail
B) Crash
C) Virus
D) Bug
Ans: D
10) Which of the following is an example of system software?
A) Microsoft word
B) Calculator
C) Operating system
Ans c
11) Is MS Word an operating system?
Ans: B
12) What separates the components of a domain name?
A) apostrophes
B) periods
C) spaces
D) commas
Ans: B
13) Memory is made up of
A) Large number of cells
B) Set of wires
C) Set of circuits
D) None of the above
Answer A
14) Which key is used for the last action?
A) Ctrl + D
B) Alt + Z
C) Ctrl + Z
D) Alt + D
Ans C
15) Magnetic Tape can serve as
A) Input device
B) Secondary storage device
C) Output device
D) None of the above
Ans: B
16) bak' extension refers to what kind of file?
A) Document
B) Movie/Video file
C) Backup file
D) Audio file
Answer: C
17) V-RAM is used for access of the following?
A) Programs
B) Video & Graphics
C) Text & Images
D) All
Ans: B
18) MS-EXCEL is based on
A) OS/2
Ans: C
19) Which protocol does ping use?
C) BootP
Ans: A
20) Who invented the high-level language C?
A) Dennis M. Ritchie
B) Donald Kunth
C) Niklaus Wirth
D) Seymour Papert
Answer A